Orientation Day
2023 Year 7 Students
Dear Parents and/or Guardians,
Just a reminder that Tuesday, December 13th, is the State-wide Orientation day for the 2023 Year 7 students. To make the transition as stress free for your child as possible we will also have an extra day's transition on Monday, December 12th. We understand that some primary schools have graduation activities on the Monday evening, so we will be offering an early finish after lunch on the first day.
We are requesting that students do wear their Primary School uniform on these days; this assists us with better identifying students and also takes away the pressure for students of 'what to dress in' for the two days.
We will be beginning the Monday program with a short assembly to get everyone organised at 9am in the College Gym. A morning tea will be available for parents at 9am, organised by McKillop Family Services who support many of our families. Please join us for a cup of tea or coffee.
Students will be organised in to their 2023 form groups for the first time on Monday morning. These classes have been organised based on the recommendations of their primary school teachers and what will best support the students learning. We are certain that they will make many new friends on the day and over the course of first term.
The focus of the Monday program will be Wellbeing and it will allow students to familiarise themselves with the day-to-day operation of the College. We will offer a sausage sizzle lunch on the day at 1.00pm, parents are welcome to join us and students who need to leave may do so at this time. If you require your child to stay until the end of the normal school day, we will run an afternoon activity.
On Tuesday students will be able to experience a normal day at secondary school. They will be assigned classes and will get the opportunity to meet many of our staff and to move around the College. We will be doing some preparation on reading the school timetable and there will be plenty of help on hand. Your child will need to bring pens, dress comfortably in their primary school uniform, wear covered sensible shoes, carry a water bottle, and bring their lunch and their morning snacks as the canteen will be closed.
If you have any concerns or need further information, please contact the College on 5945 1433. We look forward to meeting your children.
Thank you
Kay Chandler
Assistant Principal