Dear Families,
This week the Year 8 students have been taken through the Subject Selection process for 2025. Subject selections will be made online with their Team Leaders commencing Thursday August 15. Before this, it is essential that students and families take time to look at the Year 9 Elective Handbook which can be found at the following link.
An explanation of the number of electives that must be chosen and a description of each is found in the Handbook. The cost of each elective is also available, and this must be taken into account when selecting subjects.
Next year, the course has been restructured to give students greater choice when it comes to electives with the intention of increasing student engagement in their studies.
Please note, students can select from the Mainstream and Enhancement Courses. Suitability for the Applied Learning Course will be discussed with relevant students and families in the coming weeks.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s Team Leader to discuss further.
Kind regards,
Kate Logan
Assistant Principal