and Uniform Donations
All students are expected to wear full uniform. The wearing of the uniform and personal presentation is a valuable factor in reinforcing College values.
It promotes a sense of identity with the College and equality between students.
Following feedback received from parents/carers, staff and students, we have made changes to our uniform in 2024.
The current sports polo shirt is now full school uniform. There is an updated new sports top available in breathable, wick properties, anti-bacterial, 100% recycled material in black and green - in both short and long sleeve versions.
A black puffer jacket with embroidered school logo is also available.
The following uniform items will not change and can continue to be worn by students:
The only items which will not be part of the uniform moving forward are the GREY SHORTS/TROUSERS, which are no longer to be worn from the commencement of 2025.
Please note the discontinued spray jacket is no longer uniform from 2024 and cannot be worn to school.
From 2024, students are allowed to wear black sneakers, in addition to black, polishable, leather, lace-up shoes.
A number of items are regulation, meaning that the style, fabric or manufacture, has been determined by the College Council. The main uniform supplier is the Pakenham Secondary College Uniform Shop located on site.
Uniform Pass
If a student is out of uniform they need to bring a note from their parent or guardian explaining why they are out of uniform.
This note should be given to the Team Leader or Sub-School Leader before the start of the day where they will receive a uniform pass for the day.
Students who are out of uniform without a pass or who fail to provide an acceptable reason for being out of uniform will attract a consequence.
These consequences may include:
Being asked to get parental permission to return home to change.
Withdrawal from timetabled classes.
More serious consequences will apply to students who repeatedly wear incorrect uniforms and deliberately break the College uniform regulations.
Students are NOT permitted to wear hooded jackets/hoodies at any time during class or in the schoolyard. Uniform passes will not be given for these items.
The School Uniform Store is now open at the new location of Noone Officer Uniform Store - Shop 6, 45 Siding Avenue, Office and will be open 6 days per week for easier access.
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 9am until 5pm
Saturday 9am until 1pm
To order online please click on the button below:
Items marked with an (*) are College Approved and must be purchased from the College Uniform Shop.
School Uniform from 2024
Black Tailored
Black Tailored
Dress (green and white)*
Skirt (green and grey)*
White shirt* or Current Sports Polo Shirt* or New Long Sleeve Shirt*
Black Woollen jumper* / Black Polo Fleece* or Wind Jacket
Plain black, polished leather, lace-up shoes or
Black sneakers
NOTE: Boots, Ballet Flats & T Bars are NOT permitted
Physical & Sport Education:
Black/Green polo* (new style for 2024)
Black sport shorts
Black (optional)

A price list with the new uniform items will be available shortly, in addition to an updated Uniform Policy with full details of all of the changes.
General Items
All other visible items such as socks or gloves need to be plain black or white.
Hairstyles and hair colour
Hairstyles and hair colours considered to be extreme in colour, length or style are not acceptable and could result in the student being sent home. Students with hair that is dyed should have a colour that resembles a natural hair colour.
All jewellery needs to be discrete and earrings should be sleepers or studs. All other facial and body piercings should be transparent.
NOTE: Visible/non-transparent body piercing is not permitted at school.
Second Hand Uniform Donations
We welcome any donations of used, clean uniform items in good condition.
If you have any items that you no longer need, please donate them by bringing them to the school office.
We really appreciate all of your support and donations – THANK YOU!