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Doctors in Secondary Schools


Pakenham Secondary College is excited that we have been selected to participate in the Victorian Government’s Doctors in Secondary Schools program. Please read on to find out more about this initiative. 

Doctor Patrick Halton and Nurse Em from Headspace will be at the College each Tuesday from 9:30am until 12:30pm. To make a booking please visit the link below. Commencing on the 11th February in Term 1, 2025.

If you need to cancel your booking due to absence, please contact Courtney Sloothaak in Wellbeing before 9:30am on the day of your appointment on 5945 1433. 
All appointments with the doctor are confidential.

Desk with Stethoscope

About the Program

As part of this program, Dr Patrick Halton, a Headspace adolescent-trained GP, will be at the school every Tuesday from 9:30am until 12:30pm, as well as Nurse Em, a Headspace adolescent-trained nurse, to provide free access to primary health care for secondary students at our school.

You can support the success of this program by talking to your child about the program and encouraging them to access the GP and/or nurse if they need primary health care. Students will be able to access the GP and nurse themselves, or you can make appointments for them by making a secure booking on this website. You are welcome to attend consultations with them, if/when required.

Why is it needed?


We know that teenagers are the least likely of all age groups to seek health care, but we also know that many health problems that can have consequences into adulthood start at this time of life. This program seeks to address this issue.

What will the GP do?

The GP will provide students with the same services as the kind normally provided by GPs in the community, including seeing students about their physical and mental health, and sexual and reproductive health issues.


The GP may also make referrals to other health services as required. The GP will bulk bill consultations through Medicare, so there will be no out-of-pocket expenses for this service for your family.

This program is not designed to replace any existing medical arrangements your family may have in place. The GP in the school can provide a convenient alternative to primary care within schools hours, and encourage health care access to those students without an existing relationship with a GP.

The program is intended to provide better access to primary care for secondary school students.
Therefore, parents, carers, guardians and other family members are not able to use this service at
this time.  All GPs in this program will undergo adolescent health training and will understand the
health and wellbeing needs of teenagers.

Doctor's Desk
Blood Samples

Accessing the GP


  • Students who are mature minors can consent to their own medical treatment

  • Students who are not mature minors cannot give consent to their own medical treatment.


Mature minors are students under the age of 18 years who are deemed capable of seeking and obtaining health care for their particular medical issue. The GP will assess if a student is a mature minor with respect to the issue for which they are seeking medical treatment.

If the GP considers your child is a mature minor, they may see them without you. The GP will often encourage your child to involve you in their care, and GPs understand you are an important source of information and support for your child when it comes to their health. If the GP thinks your student is not a mature minor, your consent will be sought if the student wishes to progress with the treatment.

More information on the Doctors in Schools initiative can be found on the Doctors in Secondary Schools page.

Other important information can be found on the following links:

Consent and Confidentiality – Parent information sheet
Consent and Confidentiality – Student information sheet

The school GP office is located behind the Gym, next to the Log Cabin.

Generally, all students can make an appointment to see the GP. Victorian law is clear on how and
when students can consent for medical treatment by a GP:

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Pakenham Secondary College
1020 Princes Highway
Pakenham, Victoria, 3810
T (03) 5945 1433

Pakenham Secondary College is accredited under the Department of Education's CRICOS registration (CRICOS provider name and code: Department of Education, 00861K). For more information, see:


Pakenham Secondary College respectfully acknowledges the Bunurong people as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we learn and work, and pay our respect to Elders past, present and ermerging.


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